
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Congratulations Guys

With this ad the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has succeeded in doing what two liberal girlfriends (one now my wife) and over a decade of living in Northeastern cities failed to accomplish: They've made me ashamed to be a Republican. When did I last hear a commercial attacking guys for having connections to the oil industry? Oh, yeah, when MoveOn.org tried it to smear the President and Vice President. So, tell me, why is their smear sleazy, while yours is legitimate? The guy they're sliming is a conservative Republican running against Lincoln Chafee on a low-tax, fiscal restraint platform. So, basically in a choice between someone who embodies the Republican ethos and a RINO legacy, they side with the RINO legacy.

At this point, I challenge someone, anyone, from the NRSC to explain to me why, at this point, voting for Hillary Clinton would be a betrayal of Republican values. Are they going to tell me she's a tax-and-spender? Chafee, who they're so eager to support has one of the worst records on taxpayer issues of any Republican in the Senate. Oh, maybe they'll tell me about how she's opposed to Social Security reform. While that's true, I've never heard her advocate, not only killing reform, but doubling the cap on Social Security taxes. I've seen their boy Chafee doing precisely that. He was on Fox News with Dick Durbin, and even Durbin wasn't going as far. (Hey, Lincoln, I've got a better idea how's about we put Social Security taxes on trust funds.) Oooh, I got it. Maybe they'll tell me how she doesn't support the War on Terror. But, while she has been critical of its execution, at least she supported to liberation of Iraq, and hasn't urged us to cut-and-run. Chafee has been critical of the entire idea of the liberation of Iraq and has jumped on the Hagel "We Gotta Get Out of There!!!" bandwagon.

The bottom line here is that if the NRSC is going to bash fiscal conservatives on behalf of a guy whose 2004 rating from the Americans for Democratic Action was higher than John Kerry's and whose 2003 rating matched John Edwards', I might as well go with the Democrats. At least, with their views on sex, there's a chance they'll kiss me before they screw me.

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