Saturday, March 06, 2004
By now, I'm sure that everyone if familiar with the flap about the President's election commercials featuring footage of 9/11. What isn't as well known is that the people raising the stink about the footage are members of a peace group called Peaceful Tomorrows, an antiwar group made up of people who lost loved ones on 9/11. I accept their right to their views, and certainly don't want to try to diminish their loss. That said, I want to make something absolutely clear. If, God forbid, there were another attack such as 9/11 and if, God forbid, I were to die in such an attack, I do not want my survivors trotting out the loss of my life to advance such an agenda. If I'm murdered by terrorists bent on my civilization's destruction, I don't want anyone associated with them to know any peaceful tomorrows (my actual preference is that they know no tomorrows at all). I want them to know pure, unbridled, gut-wrenching horror that they've let slip, not the dogs, but the angered dragons, of war. I want my civilization to rain down fire on their heads such as they can't even begin to imagine. I want them to be prepared to fellate the Devil himself because the lowest pit of hell would be a walk in the park compared to the can of whoop-ass we've got in store for them.
I just thought people should know.
I just thought people should know.