
Friday, January 11, 2008

Okay, Maybe I'm Getting Cynical in My Old Age

Over the last couple of days, I'm hearing an interesting argument from the right side of the blogosphere. Namely that, of the Democrats, Hilary Clinton is the worst. The reasoning goes that while all of the Democrats are left-wing, Clinton is left-wing and corrupt. Well, I'm hardly about to go out and campaign or donate to Ms. Clinton, but I think some more thought is necessary on this one. Clinton's corruption has pretty strongly indicated by the evidence. No one is doubting that. But, I think we need to look at the context. Clinton's corruption has been a lot more visible because she's been in the public eye for a lot longer. Moreover, as part of the Clinton 42 presidential team, there's simply been a lot more opportunity for corruption. Sorry, but if I'm looking for someone to do my dirty work in the government, neither a first-term Senator nor an ex-Senator is going to be on the top of my list of people to pay off. No, I'd be more likely to pay off someone either in the White House or someone with a pretty well-established network of people who owe them favors.
But, ultimately, all of this misses the point. If I'm going to be stuck with a left-wing president, I'd actually prefer, a fairly corrupt left-winger. I mean, an idealistic left-winger is going to come in bound and determined to implement really dumb and destructive policies. They're going to look at your opposing or trying to get around those dumb and destructive policies as an offense and opposition to the good. It's an incredibly thin line, after all, between idealists and idealogues. A reasonably intelligent crook, on the other hand, can at least be reasoned with. Well...reasoned with is too strong a term. More rendered a cost of doing business.
This is a principle that should be familiar to anyone who watched Hogan's Heroes on a regular basis. Sargent Schultz was, at the end of the day, one of the bad guys. But anyone who doesn't have a soft spot in their heart for America's favorite Luftwaffe soldier probably has a soft spot for nothing. But, why was this. Because Schultz was utterly corrupt. Give him a couple pieces of streudel and, as far as he's concerned, he'll "zee nosssink" while you tap Hitler's phone line and tunnel into Rommel's bathroom. Now, imagine for a moment what would have happened if he were replaced by someone like Major Hochstetter. Hogan and his men would have been shot in a week.
And in case you want to think this is something particular to fiction, consider the history of the Soviet Union. I think it's more than fair to say that the iron curtain remained raised for more than a few additional years because Soviet leadership was corrrupt and willing to look the other way while things actually got done.
In all, then, idealism, as opposed to corruption is grossly overrated. Idealism only has value to the extent that the ideals to which you ascribe have value. And, given the stupidity and unworkability of much of what I'm hearing offered by the Democrats, I'd much prefer they maintain a healthy corruption.

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